Friday, July 30, 2010

Youth are the future of the country, like yeah! Bubbles!

MBA surnamed, preceded by chunks of dollars, dressed up in apple accessories and posing fake attitudes, the youth of today are a very much a west cultured, east minded complaining lot. Envisioned the future of the nation, this arrogant group looks like would pose a serious danger to the misdeeds of our country’s administration.
One bump on the road or one minute longer at the signal and these radios would lose their frequency. Add another bump or drag the signal a few seconds more and THAT’S IT! They would get to the road, pick up a spade, fill the bump, then go to the sleeping traffic cop and whack him with the same spade. Obviously afterwards dust their hands off, go to the election committee and file nomination for the next election to ensure there will be no more bumps. Like BUBBLES!
All that complaints, frustration about the system and a feeling that they were born wrapped in a silver foil is all, but just a feature disorder of the group and nothing more to consider serious. They are busy lost in making money for their sedan, their spouse and their fuel.
So for those who still think the future lies in the hands of the youth – BUBBLES!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stress-pass the Complex-city

Deny it, avoid it, hate it or even meditate, complexity would still eat major parts of our lives. From humble confusions to ripping doubts, stimuli to decisions, emotions to going against it, the twining of neurons in the temporal leaves us with this heavy sack in the head, “Stress” that we otherwise call.

Born out of the complexities of everyday activities, this “stress thing” is a severe and serious disorder, but at the same time comes with this one great relief factor that it qualifies us to exhaust monoxide all day and get mugged over the weekends.

So much are the complications, so much are the complaints and so much are the complexities that even though each one of us know exactly what the other person knows not about life, we are unable to find out what we know not about life that which the other person seems to know.

If you’d recollect for yourself the instances when we’d battled against ourselves. The times we oscillated ding –dong between choices, the abrupt decisions that we made and the confusion we still face, Life’s seriously complicated!

Adjourning the causes, let’s hit the theory itself. Does complexity really exist?

Well indeed it doesn’t. It only arises when there is an internal conflict that we fight between what we HAVE to do and what we WANT to do. There are very few times when what we want to do comes our way. Rest of the times it is obvious.

We are so much obsessed with what the world outside thinks about us and live half a life time to match the expectations of others. The very way you are is what you think that the world thinks of you. More over, we also stuff ourselves within ourselves and give away this image of what we are just not, “all for that image”.

Given a day off, to be what we really are, Crisp or marred, priest or hip, merry or doped, rugged or humble, stupid or serious. Being however but being just what we are and here’s exactly where one finds the code to decomplexify life.

Being you, being yourself, doing what you want to, doing it for yourself, you see that you easily stress-pass the complex-city of life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010